Force Motors India has launched the new Force Gurkha SUV in the Indian market today. The Gurkha is based on the legendary platform of Mercedes Benz G-Wagon. Force Motors has launched Gurkha in three variants 2WD soft top at Rs 6.25Lakh, 4WD softtop at Rs 8.35 lakh and 4WD hard top at Rs 8.50 lakhs (all Ex-showroom price Delhi)
Gurkha is powered by BS III Mercedes Benz borrowed 2.6 litre OM16 diesel engine which has a power output of 82 PS and has torque of 230Nm respectively. The engine is mated with 5 Speed manual transmission. As a off-roader Gurkha has a three locking differential and has a ground clearance of 210 Mm. The front profile has a very bold looks with big round head lights new redesigned front grill and new bumper. Talking about the interiors the Six seater Suv has a Air conditioner and power steering as well.
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